1. Shakespeare’s invented words and phrases
    Research words and expressions Shakespeare coined that we still use today.
  2. Shakespeare’s mysterious “lost years”
    Explore theories about Shakespeare’s life between 1585-1592, when there are no records of his activities.
  3. The Globe Theatre
    Investigate the unique features and history of Shakespeare’s famous theater.
  4. Women in Shakespeare’s plays
    Examine how Shakespeare portrayed female characters and compare to women’s roles in Elizabethan society.
  5. Shakespeare’s influence on pop culture
    Find references to Shakespeare’s works in modern movies, TV shows, music, and literature.
  6. Conspiracy theories about Shakespeare’s identity
    Look into claims that Shakespeare didn’t write his own plays and the proposed alternative authors.
  7. Shakespeare’s family life
    Research Shakespeare’s relationships with his wife, children, and parents.
  8. Elizabethan theater practices
    Explore how plays were performed in Shakespeare’s time, including all-male casts and special effects.
  9. Shakespeare’s sonnets
    Investigate the structure, themes, and mysteries surrounding Shakespeare’s 154 sonnets.
  10. Shakespeare around the world
    Discover how Shakespeare’s works have been adapted and performed in different cultures and languages.
  11. Shakespeare’s contemporaries
    Learn about other playwrights and poets of Shakespeare’s era and how they influenced each other.
  12. The First Folio
    Research the importance of the 1623 publication that preserved many of Shakespeare’s plays.
  13. Shakespeare’s education
    Explore what Shakespeare likely learned in school and how it influenced his writing.
  14. Plagues in Shakespeare’s time
    Investigate how outbreaks of plague affected theater and Shakespeare’s career.
  15. Shakespeare’s legacy
    Examine how Shakespeare’s works have influenced literature, language, and culture over the centuries.